
  • Software for setting key parameters
  • Only local EKM client, no network support
  • No access to key database and no key database export/import
Product The Electronic-Key-Manager (EKM) is a software package for writing and managing the Electronic-Keys on the PC. All Electronic-Keys and their contents are managed in a central database. The freely programmable memory on the Electronic-Key can be allocated to the specific database fields. The database fields and the screen interface for entering the data can be cond as required. Write and read rights can be granted through user management. EKM can also be integrated into an existing EKS environment. System requirements
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows® XP / Server 2003 / Server 2008 32-bit / Server 2008 64-bit / Windows® 7 32-bit / 64-bit / Server 2008 R2
  • Processor: from Pentium 2
  • Available memory: min. 64 MB
  • Network: network card and TCP/IP protocol installed
  • Hard disk space for the installation: approx. 20 MB
  • Interfaces: serial or USB (depending on model of the Electronic-Key adapter)
Technical dataOther
Software Electronic-Key-Manager, Light